Advice About Love

I consider myself well-schooled on the subject of love because in order to love someone else, we need to love ourselves, and I do love myself. I have been studying how to be happy and have a good life for many years. I made it my life’s mission to figure out how to do just that. And guess what I discovered? No matter how many books we read or how deeply we examine ourselves, what matters most is that we love ourselves.

When we love ourselves:

We respect ourselves and teach people how to treat us.

We feel secure in who we are and do what we want to do.

We stop comparing ourselves to others.

Once we love ourselves (for real), suddenly, things look brighter, and people and opportunities are magnetized to us. Why? When we feel love, we are living on a higher frequency, where joy, happiness, and peace reside.

People can sense when someone is vibrating at a higher frequency and like to be around that person. Have you ever noticed how you feel around someone happy and funny versus someone who is pessimistic and complains a lot?  You don’t have to be around an actual person to feel that way. It could be from what you watch or read on a screen or in print. Low-frequency stuff brings us down. Aiming to keep high-frequency vibrations like love is what we need to attract love.

So, then, how do we attract love? Just being who we are. Pretending to be someone we’re not (because we fear judgment or that someone won’t like who we are) isn’t fair. How could you have a relationship with an illusion?

Being in a loving relationship takes work. If you want to receive love, you have to give it. Being afraid to open your heart discounts the relationship. It’s when we surrender that we can feel love for ourselves and others.

Thank you for reading this. Leave a comment if you have something to share about this topic.

To love,









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13 days ago

I’m happy you see this. 100% true. You have great insight.

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