Can Will Get You What You Want?

Photo by Francesca

I’m sure everybody has heard the phrase, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” I’ve been thinking about that and wondered, can will get you what you want? In other words, if you are passionate about something enough, can you make it happen just with that? I believe it, yet I’m not where I choose to be in life. So, I thought I’d dig deeper into this idea of our will to find out how it helps us get what we want.

We can say anything to ourselves or others about how we want our lives to go, but until we do a couple of things, chances are we won’t get there. If we don’t develop our will, then we’re on the hamster wheel going round and round.

I keep thinking I am a *New York Times Best-Selling author, but until I believe that I am worthy of that title, have the product (books) to support it, and actually SEND my work out for others to read, my will won’t make it happen. I’ve been on the hamster wheel for a very long time and I’m tired and worn down from the negativity and self-doubt. My will hasn’t been strong enough to get me off the wheel – yet!

Photo by Francesca

As someone who seeks solutions, information, and help to evolve for the better, I believe I’ve discovered what works for me to strengthen my will, and that may be helpful to you, too.

To Have a Kick-Ass Will, Try This:


you have to sort through the muck and deal with the bad feelings and emotions inside of you. Sorry, there’s no other way if you are seeking freedom to live the happy life you choose. Sure, it’s painful, but we’re stronger than we know and can handle feeling pain. When you’re in a gym trying to build muscles, you’re essentially doing the same thing: you’re causing pain when you tear the muscle a little so it can grow into something stronger. The more we face our fears – our real pain – the stronger we become. At least, that’s true for me, and I’ve worked through the pain for years.


you have to want the end result more than you want to keep living the same old life that hasn’t brought you the happiness you deserve. By focusing on the end goal, you have a map that can guide you and help you make decisions that will get you there. The hardest part for me is staying in the present moment and focusing on what’s most important. Put up the blinders on things that bring you down or aren’t part of your plan.


look at yourself in the mirror every single day and like what you see. Not because you look spiffy in your new outfit or you like the way your hair turned out. You need to look into your eyes and give yourself a confident “I like you” and “I love you” acknowledgment. Hey, even a “Ya know, you’re pretty cool” is acceptable as being helpful to turning things around. Once you accept yourself for who you are now (not ten years ago or who you want to be in the future), all of a sudden, good things will start magically happening. You will gravitate toward what you want because you not only appreciate yourself but want what’s best for the person you see in the mirror.


Forgive. I know I’ve written about this before, but it is instrumental to move on with your life. When we don’t forgive someone, we hurt ourselves. Yes, that is correct. We hurt any chance for true happiness and peace of mind if we do not forgive ourselves and others. So we made a mistake, so what? Move on! So, if someone hurt you because of their issues, forgive them for not knowing any better and move on. We don’t have to forget and allow others to keep harming us. We just need to release the grip of negativity and pain the memory has on us.

and finally Fifth,

Do the action. No matter what it is or how daunting it feels to you, just take positive action toward your new life of being happy. If you have a lofty goal, break it down into small chunks and work on accomplishing one piece of it, not tackling the entire mountain! Just take one step in the direction of your dream life.

For me, the biggest challenge I needed to overcome was allowing other tasks to take precedence over my time. I allowed fear to keep me stuck, believing that other things were much more important than what I needed to do for my happiness. Don’t be like I was. Take action. Do something good for you. The more you do it, the easier it becomes, and before you know it, you have developed a habit of putting your needs first in a good way  – not in a selfish, narcissistic manner where you don’t care about anyone else but yourself. Seek balance.

Photo by Francesca

Have gratitude you are where you are and believe that good things can happen if you will it to be. Your will is your mindset, and we can change that at any time. We are not stuck relying on old news. Use your will and move into the extraordinary life you choose.

Thank you for reading this. I’m sending out vibes of happiness and peace. Hope you get them!

To our will,


* Always think or say affirmations in the present tense so your subconscious mind receives the message as though it is legit, and then it will work on making it happen for real. It doesn’t know the difference between truth and fiction. That’s how we got programmed as children.