Hey Angel!

The song “Workin’ Them Angels” by Rush inspired this blog today. It’s a fantastic song with fantastic lyrics by the late, great Neil Peart. For me, Rush is the goat of rock music. They are on another level than traditional rock n’ roll music.

Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart, Geddy Lee

Here are a few lyrics from the song to see the depth and wisdom Neil Peart wrote.

Riding through the Range of LightTo the wounded cityFilling my spirit with the wildest wish to flyOh, taking the high roadTaking that high road to the wounded cityMemory strumming at the heart of a moving picture



I know I’ve been workin’ them, angels. I think we all have. Though I was raised to believe in angels, it wasn’t the kind of angels I think we actually have. I learned from statues, art, and books that angels were white-winged beings that floated around heaven. It wasn’t until my twenties that I learned about the archangels, and that was from TV. I looked into the archangels a little and even learned a prayer to Archangel St. Michael because it seemed like a helpful prayer to know. (I am not trying to push my beliefs on anyone just writing my truths so the real me gets through in my writing.)

Saint Michael/National Catholic Register

Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in this day of battle.

Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. 

May God rebuke him. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly host,

cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits who prowl through the world

seeking the ruin of souls. Amen  

I think angels are all around us, but I also think angels come from within us when we listen to our intuition. Angels are the essence of our souls. That’s why they are depicted in the image of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on another, hoping we choose good instead of evil. Most of us choose good, but, well, we all know the rest.

When I ponder on something, I like to think my guardian angel is with me, guiding me. However, until recently, I ignored any possibility that I have a connection with Angel, but I believe that angels are energy, just like us, so there has to be a connection.

I pray the prayer to Saint Michael (not enough) and believe he is protecting me and those I love. Believing is not about that there is an archangel flying around protecting us but that our mindset believes in a positive idea that reinforces positivity rather than believing in problems. And yes, I’m aware that the prayer to Saint Michael can connote negativity. A lot of prayers can connote negativity. The secret is to look beyond one or two words and get the overall message.

Believing in angels is not crazy talk. Angels are part of us. It’s essential to think and speak words on a higher frequency (feeling love, joy, and peace) to connect with our angels. That’s the frequency where you feel your best. You feel confident and are hopeful things will always work out just fine.

When we allow those pesky negative thoughts to enter our minds and drag us down, we are doing ourselves a great disservice. Negative thoughts bring on sickness and can cause it to stay, can make riffs and problems in relationships, and create depression and anxiety.  Who wants that?

Yet, most of us (myself included) allow negative thoughts to creep in each day, pulling us backward to the past or forward to an uncertain future. We lose the present moment to anger or anxiety and lose the connection to our angel who is frustrated and wants to help but cannot break through a wall of anger, sadness, or fear.  It’s up to us to change our focus to the present moment, where all it takes is feeling gratitude to connect to yourself, your soul, and your angel.

Keeping the connection to yourself helps you be yourself. You get to shine through! It’s such a shame that so many of us keep up a guard to protect ourselves when the only one we are protecting ourselves from is ourselves. Sadly, some aren’t aware of a better way and live (like the quote by Henry David Thoreau:)”lives of quiet desperation.”

If you don’t know who you are, take some time to think about it. Write down what you like. It doesn’t matter how big or small; just get it out. See a pattern. Dig deeper. With enough introspection, you’ll find the answers. We were all born with a purpose, with our angel awake and happy! Then, the influences around us from birth played a part in burying our purpose and silencing our angels because we thought we needed to do that to protect ourselves. Denial and avoidance are features of our minds that are supposed to protect us. It doesn’t help to make us happy. We hope (unconsciously) that it will keep us safe from experiencing more pain.


Guess what? The more we try to protect ourselves by hiding who we are or not honoring our purpose, true happiness and peace get further and further away from us. That’s why I don’t feel settled in my life. I don’t feel like I’m home yet. I’ve allowed time to progress and ignored another year to slink by without grabbing my life and living it. Wow. Don’t follow that act, please. Though I still believe in miracles, angels and a higher power and know everything has happened for a reason: for me to learn, to evolve. I couldn’t write this blog five years ago. I was terrified of judgment and criticism. I had to learn that I’m okay and that what I have to say is good. And it took a long time!

So don’t give up if you don’t see a change in your life overnight. If it took x number of years to get you to where you are today, then it may take that much time to change your life. Have patience and belief in yourself.

When you have a free moment alone, like when driving the car or taking a shower, call for your angel. Ask for guidance and protection, and believe you’ll receive that. It’s all about mindset and being aware of our thoughts. It takes practice and work, but it’s well worth it. I’ve never felt better, but I have a little way to go yet. It does take discipline. You can do it. Just don’t give up. It was a very long road for me to get here.

Thank you for reading and I hope I offered something positive to think about. My purpose in writing these blog posts is to share what has helped me, and it may not be for you. Everyone is different, and what helps one may not work for someone else, and that’s okay! Find out what is good for you and do and think that.

To angels,
