Ten Miraculous Ideas That Can Change Your Life

I thought I’d mix it up today and do something different. We all deserve a miracle every day. Here are ten miraculous ideas that can change your life.


= One =

Think better thoughts. Become mindful of what you think and try to shift from thinking something negative to positive. It might be challenging at first but you’ll get the hang of it and feel so much better.


= two =

Rely on other people. I don’t mean not being responsible for ourselves. I am referring to learning from others who came before us. Experience shared creates new experiences and expertise.


= three =

Toughen up your belief muscle when it comes to yourself. Believe that you are worthy and enough. You have everything you’ll ever need right now. Believe in that and get some peace.


= four =

Take a breath before responding to someone. This allows you to respond with intention and not out of habit.


= five =

Get rid of excess. Things take up our time (by having to take care of them) and our mental focus (when we can’t find something because there’s little organization or too much stuff). Lightening our loads lightens us up. Trust me, it happens. You think you can’t part with something, but then you donate it or sell it or whatever, and you don’t miss it again.


= six =

Move! Anytime we move, fresh blood pumps through our veins. That fresh blood carries nutrients that feed our cells, heal us, and make us feel better. That’s why physical therapy helps. It gets us moving to begin healing the problem area. It could be as simple as getting into the habit of standing up every twenty minutes and walking around a little bit. Stretch. Repeat. You’ll notice a difference.


= seven = 

Open your mind to new ideas. There is nothing worse than being closed-minded or thinking you know everything. You don’t. No one does. Even the greatest thinkers of all time or the winning champions on Jeopardy don’t know everything.  So cool it with the “I know more than you” crap. It makes you look petty and small.


= eight = 

Go out of your comfort zone and experience life. You can live a rich, wonderful life not going more than fifty miles from where you live. There is always something to see or do that can enrich your life. Explore. Take chances. Go after what you want. Live!


= nine = 

Be spiffy. Taking the time each day to groom yourself and make a little bit of an effort to look presentable actually makes us feel better. Bridgett Raes writes on her blog, “Feeling and looking better can have physiological effects on our bodies, such as reducing stress levels, lowering cortisol (the stress hormone) levels, and increasing dopamine (the “feel-good” hormone) release.”


= ten = 

You can probably guess what this is: love. Love with all your heart and without fear of being judged or that it won’t be reciprocated. Just love. Love is such a powerful and complex emotion that it can change the mood in a room, elevate a relationship, or create a happy feeling. If you have been hurt before and refuse to love again, that is not your heart talking but your ego. You have a wounded ego. Take the time to figure out why it hurts so much, and then get on with healing. We all deserve to feel, give and receive love. It’s what being a human being is all about. Emotions are our strengths. Love. Spread it out to the world. Walk down the street thinking thoughts of love and see how your day changes. Do it every day and watch how your life changes for the better.

Veronika Andrews | Pixabay

Thank you for reading this, and I hope I gave you some nuggets of wisdom to help you have a wonderful, happy life. That’s why I’m doing this. So that we can all be happy, positive people. Wow, that would be quite the world, huh?

Give a comment if any of these ideas resonate with you. I’d love to know that. 🙂

To Miraculous Ideas,
