Did You Choose Your Word Yet?

In 2018, I began choosing a word for the year that would guide me, and that held a special meaning. The first word I chose was authentic for 2018.  Last year, my word was balance. I do believe having a word for the year does keep some things in perspective. Like, for example, this year, I did a lot to find a balance in my life. I’m almost there, so I’ll be skidding into 2024 with a sense of balance for the new year, which is awesome!

Having a word for the year does really work! I even began choosing a word for the month, and that works out well, too. It seems like it’s a beacon on a lighthouse that guides me throughout the month with a focus on just one word.  But I’m always conscious of the yearly word and keep a reminder where I can see it. That’s important because we get so busy that we can easily forget our word and what it meant to us at the time we chose it.

I’ve compiled a list of words to think about for your 2024 word, or you can come up with one yourself. Whatever you choose will be what you need.


Absolve Consistent Give Perspective
Abundance Content Giving Plan
Abundant Contentment Glorious Play
Accept Contribute Glow Playful
Acceptance Cool Goals Polish
Achieve Courage Grace Positive
Act Cozy Gracious Possibilities
Action Create Grateful Power
Adapt Creation Gratitude Powerful
Add Creative Grounded Practice
Advance Creativity Grow Pray
Adventure Cultivate Growth Prepare
Align Dare Guard Present
Alignment Daring Habit President
Alive Declutter Happy Prioritize
Allow Dedicate Harmony Progress
Amaze Dedicated Heal Pure
Amazement Dedication Health Purpose
Amazing Degrease Heart Radiant
Ambition Delight Here Raise
Amplify Depth Higher Reason
Anchor Determination Home Record
Appreciate Devote Honest Recovery
Articulate Devotion Honesty Reduce
Ascend Diligence Honor Reflect
Aspire Direct Hope Refresh
Attention Direction Humble Relationships
Authentic Discipline Humility Release
Available Distance Hustle Renew
Awake Do Imagination Repair
Awaken Dream Imagine Reset
Awakened Ease Immerse Resilience
Aware Education Improve Resilient
Awesome Effort Improvement Resolute
Balance Effortless Increate Rest
Balanced Elevate Indulge Rise
Ballsy Elevation Influence Risk
Be Embody Inspiration Roots
Beauty Embrace Inspire Save
Become Emerge Integrity Savvy
Begin Empower Intentional Secure
Behold Encourage Intimacy Self-Love
Believe Energy Intimate Serve
Belong Enjoy Intuition Service
Best Enlighten Invest Shake
Better Enough Journey Share
Big Enthusiasm Joy Shift
Bless Enthusiastic Jump Shine
Bliss Environment Keep Simple
Bloom Escalate Kind Simplicity
Bold Essentialism Kindle Simplify
Boss Evolve Kindness Slow
Bounce Examine Laugh Smile
Boundaries Excite Laughter Soar
Boundless Excitement Lead Soar
Bounty Expand Leader Solidify
Brave Expansion Leap Soul
Breathe Experience Learn Soulful
Bridge Exploration Less Sparkle
Bright Explore Life Steady
Build Express Light Still
Calm Faith Lighter Stillness
Capture Faithful Listen Strength
Care Family Live Strong
Caring Fast Love Succeed
Celebrate Favorite Magic Success
Centered Fearless Magnify Teach
Challenge Finish Maintain Thankful
Change Fit Make Thoughtful
Charisma Fitness Manifest Thrive
Chase Flourish Maximize Tranquil
Cheerful Flow Maximum Transcend
Chill Fly Meek Transparent
Choose Focus Mend Trust
Clarity Force Mindful Unapologetic
Clean Forgive Minimalistic Understand
Cleanse Forgiveness Minimize Unlimited
Clear Forward More Untamed
Comfort Foster Motion Value(s)
Commitment Foundation Move Vitality
Committed Free Mystical Wander
Communicate Freedom New Wealth
Community Fresh Next Wellness
Compassion Friend Nourish Whole
Complete Friends Now Wholehearted
Completion Friendship Nurture Wild
Compose Fulfill Open Wisdom
Compromise Fulfilling Organize Wise
Confidence Fun Partner Wonder
Connect Future Passion Wonderful
Connection Gain Patience Worthy
Conscious Generosity Peace Wow
Consider Generous Permission Yes
Considerate Gentle Persist Zen
Consistency Gently Persistence Zest


I hope your word brings you all that you desire in 2024. Thank you for reading this, and let me know in the comments what you chose for your 2024 word. Happy Holidays!

To Your Word,
