Wrapping It Up

It’s almost the end of the year, and it’s an excellent time to take stock of the past year to help move on to the new one. I’ve never done that before, but I’m going to do it now. I think it’s a good way to see how we’ve progressed and evolved. It’s like a business looking at its finances at the end of the year to see if it attained the goals it set at the beginning of a new year.

How did we do?

Ask yourself or write it down if you wish. I’m a paper and pen gal, so I like to write things down. It makes it more real when I see it on the page rather than thinking it in my head.

Here are some ideas to ponder:

  • Did I take care of myself this past year?  If not, why not?


  • Were there any significant milestones? How did it make me feel?


  • Were my goals reached? If not, why not, and how can I attain them next year?


The end of the year is a great time to reflect on your life. It helps to change things for the upcoming year. Like a sports team, they study the film, see the areas that need work, and create a game plan to make things better.

Complaining will get us nowhere. Action makes things better. Even the most minor action can shift a funky mood, lift a spirit, and even change a life. When you couple action with gratitude, you are on your way to living a fantastic life!

I found this somewhere and wrote it down: Purpose + Action = Making things possible.

We have to know where we’re going in order to figure out what kind of action we need to take. And please don’t ever allow anyone else to tell you what your purpose is. Only we can determine that and follow through with action that benefits us positively.

So, let’s recap our year and figure out what worked and what didn’t. It’s a big help to know where you want to take your life next year. Let me know in the comments what you need to wrap up for the end of the year. Thank you for reading, and I hope your holiday season is going great! Sending love and good thoughts your way!

To wrapping it up,
