The Best Ways To Change Your Life

This past weekend was busy. It was my birthday, and I wanted to do something special. And I did. And then we had a fundraiser to go to. So, it was busy. I didn’t have the bandwidth to write a blog post. So, here it is!

Did you ever wish your life was different? I think many of us (myself included) see other people’s lives (especially now with social media) and think they have it so good, and why can’t our lives feel like that?

First, as Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” secondly, we have no idea what people’s lives are genuinely like, so comparing our lives with someone else’s is not realistic or constructive.

Source: Blue Door Media

But, gosh, we still do it, even though we know we shouldn’t. Young people on social media are allowing their self-worth to be gauged by the attention they get.  Reality TV shows like The Housewives inspire people to want a bigger house or have the luxury of free time to hang out with friends, etc. Many people, not just young ones, wish their lives were different because someone out there appears to have a perfect life.

Source: Becoming Minimalist.

Antttt (trying to write out a buzzer noise), there is no such thing as a perfect life.

So, why am I writing this?

Because to change your life, you have to be happy and grateful for the one you have right now. Gratitude and loving what you have will create more of that in your life.

These ideas may sound wishy-washy and not make sense, but it’s the way things work to have a better life. Even if you loathe your job or curse your home, you need to flip it to be grateful for them, so you put out a positive vibration to attract the job you love and move into your dream house.

I know I’ve written about this before, but it’s important.

To change your life:

  1. Feel gratitude for the life you have right now.
  2. See the life you want and focus on that instead of what’s going on right now.
  3. Act like you already have the life you want. (If you want to be an accountant, look up schools and how to get an accounting degree, read books on it, etc. You get the picture. Do actions that support your dream.)

Life can change. Nothing is stagnant. Not even the pond that looks it on the surface. Underneath, tiny creatures move the water around. We are the captains of our ships (I know that’s getting cliche, but it’s an excellent way to put it.) Even the smallest motion towards changing your life is still taking action. Tiny steps get you to the destination, it just takes a little longer.

We can’t blame others for our misfortunes, lack of motivation, or state of mind. We have to put on our big boy pants and do the work, whether that’s finding a therapist to get out of a funk or facing our fears and self-sabotaging tendencies. It’s all up to us.

Source: CNBC

Thank you for reading this. I hope you take something from this and apply it to your life to make it great! That’s why I’m doing this. 🙂

To your new life,
