Boomerang Baby!

A boomerang is an amazing thing. It’s mind-blowing how it works. I guess it has something to do with how the wood is formed. I never saw one in action in person, only on TV.

Anywho, the gears are working flawlessly today, as I hope all of you feel too, and I got this idea.

I’m sure you all heard the saying, “What you give comes back to you.” That is true. I’ve seen it play out time and time again for me. I’ve always been a giver (I blame the gypsy DNA my mother insists we have in us.) As a child and even a young adult, I gave without ever giving it another thought. I didn’t expect anything because I wasn’t thinking that way. I just gave things, my time, and even my older sister’s Cher doll that I gave to a neighbor older than me. I thought she was so cool.

Boy, did I get in trouble for that one! Nobody was supposed to touch Cher!

I continued giving into my adult years, never wanting anything in return. I didn’t think much about it. I had. I gave—end of the story. But I’ve come to realize my actions have been misunderstood a lot. You must understand that parents raising kids in the sixties and seventies took no shit from their kids. You fell in line, or you were punished. That’s the way it was. I learned messages from my family. Our parents learned from their parents, and it just got passed down the line, so much so that the core messages (manners, love, kindness) are getting diluted. And our ancestors’ scars won’t heal until we let them.

When you give something, doesn’t it make you feel good?

It does for me. I thought I gave to be nice. Doing so made someone else feel the way I like to feel when I get something. But I think many people have been either intimidated or skeptical of my motives that I wanted something from them. I didn’t. I was throwing out the boomerang. I had a unique name and a good soul! What a recipe for bullying by those who were bullied in their homes. So why wasn’t I an asshole too? Like them? How come I turned out well?

Because I always knew how to be good. It wasn’t so much because I feared punishment (but I did). I believed that people were good like me and I could be myself around them. I have found a few, but not many, sorry to say, who get me. Hey, I’m being honest. Some people are wounded. Like the saying, hurt people hurt people. I wish them well and won’t allow them to turn me sour. I have living to do and need to get back to creating.

I have been throwing invisible boomerangs (with cool designs) all my life. And I always got back goodness. It kept me good and pure and loveable. I intimidated people without them even realizing I was doing it. I could always tell. I was either met with “Ya, she’s cool” or “Trying too hard” (in a snappy teenage girl’s voice) or a belief I was too good to be true and an easy conduit for their pain. Years ago, I think I scared away a female co-worker from being my friend because of my giving (Gypsy gene). I think she was untrusting that I was simply a cool human being who had a lot of stuff and that I liked to share. I bought a rooting hormone and used it for its intended purpose with my plants. I used a tiny bit, and it sat on the shelf, gathering dust in the basement. She wanted to propagate plants. I knew the rooting hormone would work. Yada yada – win win. Then she wanted to sell on eBay. I just happen to have a giant “How to Sell on eBay” book I never looked at (I buy many of my books at the annual library book sales because I collect books. Don’t worry, I’ve slowed down the pace of book purchases until I have a home library.) I am trying to show you that I’m a good human being who is different. Why aren’t there more like me around?

If somebody could use something I have and don’t use (hey, I was a six-year-old kid with my sister’s Cher doll! Who didn’t love Cher then?) or I have the time to help with something, I just give. It’s that simple. I’m not a weirdo, people!

But I have always landed feet down, head looking up, feeling all right, and believing in good days. Sure, I’m not exactly where I want to be, but I’m making the best of each day because that’s what I have. That’s what we all have, so why not make each one good?

We have to create our good days. Throw out those boomerangs (do the work). Though it’s not exactly “work” if you’re helping yourself be a good human. And you’ll get more good stuff back at ya! That’s a good life! Who doesn’t want that?

Show me this person who doesn’t want a good life!

Be a boomerang. Send out love to the world. Watch it come back tenfold. Show love by opening the door at a convenience store for an older person you know is buying lottery tickets and you’re running late. You can also show love for the streets that don’t like garbage tossed at them. They just wanna be streets. I wish people would stop throwing trash on the streets! There are no elf clean-up crews that come out at 2:00 a.m. (Sorry if I ruined that for some.) No, nice people volunteer their time to clean up the garbage. Just stop it. Put garbage in a receptacle. Okay?

Be a boomerang. Send out goodwill. Congratulate your co-worker for the advancement that pays more money. Tell your daughter how beautiful she is so she grows up to believe it for herself.

Be a boomerang. Share your spirit. Stop hiding the kid in you. Wake up. Fight for your life and experience it as you were meant to experience it. You don’t have to follow the old programming (complaining, speaking ill about yourself or someone else, or feeling entitled). Be you. Share your spirit. We all have it, so give it away. See what comes back! Maybe a life of happiness is waiting for you to catch up. So, catch up.

I sure hope that every person reading these words will create good days. For all of us.

Thank you for reading this. Your attention is the boomerang returning to me, filling me with more goodness. So stay tuned!

To flinging out so many boomerangs, your wrists hurt,