What Do You Weigh?

Good day. I wish you a good mood. (Hehe) If you’ve been following my blog, that might bring a chuckle. I hope so.

I created this title to get your attention, but it’s also the topic. (I’m not such a shmuck to use an attention-grabbing title to lure you into a piece about how we can lose 20 lbs. in two months.)

This isn’t about our actual physical weight; it’s about the mental/emotional weight we carry, what it is, and how it affects us.

The Weight

Well, it’s a good song by The Band, but it’s also the mental clutter we live with daily. The older we get, the more we feel the effects of the added weight. So, if we could declutter our homes, we could declutter our minds.

Mental weight comes in all forms, overworking, getting more upset than we should about something, ignoring our truth, or allowing ourselves to judge ourselves and others. The weight prohibits your rational mind from being present, and you drop down to living life at a low frequency. But we don’t want to live among low frequencies (coming from us, the mind, and everything around us.)

Dr. Sue Morter writes, “Science is showing us that everything is energy – including you! Everything in the universe is comprised of energy vibrating at different frequencies. This energy manifests from subtle, unseen frequencies to the realm of dense physical matter depending on the rate of vibration.”

Low frequencies are associated with feelings such as anxiety, jealousy, envy, resentment, anxiety, desperation, unfulfillment, confusion, extreme fatigue, and unforgiveness. High frequencies are love, happiness, joy, self-awareness, self-discipline, self-love, inspiration, and gratitude. The higher the frequency, the better we feel.

The way to live in higher frequencies is to:

  1. No surprise on this one, but living in the present moment helps us to declutter the weight (in our minds) and raise our frequency. I know it sounds strange, but it’s the truth. If you walk into a room full of people at a wedding, there is a very different energy going on than if you saw the same people at a funeral. That’s what I’m referring to with frequency; it’s the energy we give off.
  2. Focus on love. It sounds corny, but it’s a remarkable experience.  You have a different perspective on everything. The jerk who cut you off in traffic is now another human being who might be rushing to a family member’s side. It doesn’t make their act right, but it stops us from getting angry.
  3. Go slower. You can control your life a bit more and choose your focus when you pay attention to things happening around you. You can be in a good mood and fixate on that feeling instead of allowing life to come in from all sides that cause you to slip down a muddy path of low frequencies.

I have experienced this many times, especially around friends and family. I rushed into the time spent with them without slowing down and centering myself to be at a high frequency.  The               mental clutter clouded my ability to do that. Then the heavy muddy jeans dragged me down to low emotions (jealousy, envy, discontent, and deep-seated anger, to name a few.)

Center yourself before interacting with people. Take in a breath through your nose. Breathe it out. Use those seconds to ask yourself who you want to be at that moment and just be. 

Let’s commit to making this new year the year to drop the weight in our thoughts. Lighten the load and feel more joy and happiness!

Thank you for reading this.

To waking up with a clear mind and keep it that way throughout the day,
