Five Ways to Get Unstuck

If you’ve ever felt stuck in life, as I have, it’s not a good feeling.  For years, it felt like I was living the same day over and over again, and nothing seeme to change, even though I thought I worked at it. The only problem was I was putting a bandaid on a much bigger wound and until I figured out why I was stuck, nothing would change.

There’s a reason why we feel stuck in our lives and the number one reason is fear. We fear change. Simple as that. So, staying the same feels comfortable and safe. I know the feeling. I’ve been there a thousand times. Should I write a blog and publish it? No, wait the laundry has to get done, or the house needs to be cleaned. Then procrastination rears its evil head and another day goes in the books as not getting any closer to your goals.

So, here are five ways that I’ve found helps to get unstuck:

    1. Do some sort of action. It doesn’t matter what it is as long as it’s productive. Yes, watching TV is an action, but I’m referring to the actions that will get you closer to attaining your dream life, such as writing a resume or going for a walk.
    2. Go outside of your comfort zone and work through the fear, not around it. What do I mean? Well, I’ve done actions that got me out of my comfort zone such as physically going to a business to drop off my resume instead of emailing it. But, all I did was drop it off with a person at the door. I didn’t ask to see the person who does the hiring. No, I sulked away feeling defeated, thinking too was probably many people applying for the same job and I didn’t do enough to stand out. I went around my fear and did not face it.
    3.  Read positive affirmations, meme, books, anything that will lift your spirits and get your mind focused on moving forward. My daughter gave me a plaque that reads, “Believe You Can and You Will” and each time I see it, I feel motivated and press on.
    4. Write a to-do list and check off activities as you do them. This will help you see what needs to be done and it gives you a great feeling of accomplishment checking off the tasks.
    5. When you find yourself thinking self-defeating thoughts, such as “I’ll never succeed” or similar negative messaging, stop it! Then replace those thoughts with, “I can and will do it! Watch me!”  Be your own cheerleader and don’t wait around for others to lift you up. You have the power to do it for yourself.

If you have any other suggestions for this list, I’d be grateful to read them.


With love,





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