Conquer Today in Five Ways

I started this website with the intention of sharing information like millions of other blogs. I had grand ideas in a binder and was excited to begin. That lasted a short time and then I let life get in the way. Or did it? Was it something else that caused me to not take my goals seriously?

It seemed each day I learned a life lesson. I always had to make sure the house was tidy and my desk was organized before going to work just to feel like I was in control. At the end of the day, I felt empty, like I didn’t accomplish what I really wanted to do.

To be fair, I did accomplish things, but they weren’t the important things to me on my to-do list, and that made me sad. I had to figure out why and how to stop doing that.

I wanted to know why I was ignoring my heart’s desire, my dream. It felt like I was following someone else’s plan not mine? After carefully examining my intentions, I realized I was procrastinating to avoid feeling scared. I didn’t know what I was doing with the website and it felt too daunting to learn about it. So, I tricked my mind into thinking there were more important things to do to justify my actions.

I felt stuck and had to figure out how to move forward. These are a few things I do each day to help me feel more in control of my life and help me achieve my goals. I hope they can help you too.

Here are Five Ways to Conquer Your Day

1.  Make a plan.

This seems straightforward and it is. Write down what you want to accomplish. The secret is to look at it after you write it, multiple times if need be, and make the decision to follow it, or at least attempt to check a few things off the list each day.



2. Use affirmations as soon as you get up.

Before you turn on the cellphone, get busy doing whatever it is you do when you get up, read or say out loud positive affirmations that will spark your day, such as I feel terrific or I’m going to have a great day today! You will be surprised by how easy it is to do this and the big payoff you’ll receive.

3. Create a vision board.

I don’t have the extra wall space to hang a vision board so I created one using a plastic folder with pockets and cardstock. It’s easy to make. Tape or glue cardstock inside the folder to create blank pages. Then add your favorite things from magazines clippings or print online inspiration to the cardstock. Only put what you would love to see in your life.  I used decorative washi tape to tape the cardstock to the folder, but clear tape or glue is fine.

4. Read something positive for at least fifteen minutes.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a website or book, just make sure it enriches you somehow and feeds your brain positive thoughts.

5. Write in a gratitude journal.

By writing down what you are grateful for, it shows the mind that you are happy with what you have and it will work on getting more to keep you happy.  Always write in a positive format, such as I am so happy and grateful for my good health.