Change Your Fate

I believe that what we think, we attract to our lives.  So, how can we change our fate?


First, take notice of how we speak to ourselves in each moment. You know, that inner dialog where you either lift yourself up or tear yourself down.  I discovered how much thinking I did that was not very positive towards myself until I took the time to write down my thoughts, good or bad.  I read the following quote and it made me shift my thinking immediately.


Try to think kinder thoughts towards yourself.  By doing this we quiet that chatty inner negative dialog to how we’d speak to our loved ones and friends when we express love and support.


Second, we need to give ourselves grace.  What do I mean by this? To give ourselves pardons for mistakes we make.  We are human and humans make mistakes. No one is perfect. Be authentic because there’s no other person like you, so celebrate your uniqueness.

The majority of us need to give ourselves a break and know we are doing the best that we can.  It’s okay if we mess up. That’s life and the world is not going to end.

Realizing this will help us be calmer and feel more self-assured.


The third step sounds easy but it may be tough for some. We need to love ourselves.  How many of us can truly say, “I love myself.” The same kind of love you’d give your significant other, a child, a pet, or your best friend.  The kind of love where you look in the mirror, and look deeply into your eyes and see so much goodness and gratitude for you.  Not for what you look like, or what you do, or what you have, but love yourself unconditionally.

We deserve love and respect for just being us, no matter who we are.



I believe if we do these three things, we will see positive changes in our lives.  It’s so important to love and accept ourselves first before we can love or accept anyone else.  Change your inner dialog. Give yourself grace. And look at yourself in the mirror each day and say out loud, “I love you” and watch your fate change for the better.


With much love,

Francesca M.E.